Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ships and Flags

Here is what I am working on right now:

Ignore the yellow, but comfy mattress underneath. That is the spare bed which I use to lay stuff out on. Anyway, this blankie is for a little boy. The signal flags spell out his name! This little boy lives in Santa Barbra, which I visited once. I remember the sky and the ocean were really blue and there were white sailboats. It was really sunny and bright. That is why I chose these design elements. The sailboat blocks I modified from the ones in the Encyclopedia of Classic Quilt Patterns. The signal flag blocks I had to work out for myself from pictures on Wikipedia. Right now I am working on the ships:

I am concerned that I did not buy enough cloud fabric and that I will go back and there won't be any more! But I will cross that bridge if and when I come to it.

Oh, and remind me never to buy the cheap broadcloth again! It changes size when it's ironed even though it's been washed and dried. Lame!

I just hope I finish this thing before the kid is 20!