Thursday, May 29, 2008

My ambidextrous brain

Yes, I realize that "ambidextrous" refers to hands, not sides, but I couldn't get a good translation on "brain" or "mind." Noone would have remembered the URL.

Anyhow, this is to be a record of my projects. There is little in the way of arts and crafts I haven't or won't try. Especially textile arts. Currently, I am on a quilting binge. This has sprung from the fact that everyone around seems to be breeding, and thus a flurry of baby blankies has been needed. I am attempting to build up a stockpile of baby blankies, and it's kind of working!

Now, I've been going to graduate school for the past two years, and this has slowed things down a bit, but it hasn't prevented me from doing a few things. I will be posting what I have done in the past and what I am working on in the present.

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