Friday, May 30, 2008

Variegated Texture

Here is a little something I made last summer. It is one piece of fabric with folds sewn into it. My husband, Two, says it's the coolest thing I've ever made! High praise from him, I assure you!

The back (which I should have photographed, too) is a green and yellow batik. I found the directions for this one in Quilt: Handmade Style. I actually got the book for another pattern (which you will see later). I am a sucker for variegated fabrics, and I had no idea what to with this one. Now I wish I had gotten the red-yellow one too! Of course, I found some other variegated fabrics (like 5), with the idea of doing this again and again!

Click here to see more!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ships and Flags

Here is what I am working on right now:

Ignore the yellow, but comfy mattress underneath. That is the spare bed which I use to lay stuff out on. Anyway, this blankie is for a little boy. The signal flags spell out his name! This little boy lives in Santa Barbra, which I visited once. I remember the sky and the ocean were really blue and there were white sailboats. It was really sunny and bright. That is why I chose these design elements. The sailboat blocks I modified from the ones in the Encyclopedia of Classic Quilt Patterns. The signal flag blocks I had to work out for myself from pictures on Wikipedia. Right now I am working on the ships:

I am concerned that I did not buy enough cloud fabric and that I will go back and there won't be any more! But I will cross that bridge if and when I come to it.

Oh, and remind me never to buy the cheap broadcloth again! It changes size when it's ironed even though it's been washed and dried. Lame!

I just hope I finish this thing before the kid is 20!

Click here to see more!

My ambidextrous brain

Yes, I realize that "ambidextrous" refers to hands, not sides, but I couldn't get a good translation on "brain" or "mind." Noone would have remembered the URL.

Anyhow, this is to be a record of my projects. There is little in the way of arts and crafts I haven't or won't try. Especially textile arts. Currently, I am on a quilting binge. This has sprung from the fact that everyone around seems to be breeding, and thus a flurry of baby blankies has been needed. I am attempting to build up a stockpile of baby blankies, and it's kind of working!

Now, I've been going to graduate school for the past two years, and this has slowed things down a bit, but it hasn't prevented me from doing a few things. I will be posting what I have done in the past and what I am working on in the present.

Click here to see more!