Monday, September 14, 2009

Major Accomplishment

A little background...
I learned how to knit last November. To keep things simple, we could choose a hat or a scarf as a first project. Now, scarves I do not need. I have plenty and I live in California. I wouldn't give anyone else a scarf either, because everyone has enough scarves. Hats, however, are useful. I decided I would make A Hat.

As it turns out, knitting can be somewhat subtle. I have started over on The Hat no less than 6 times, possibly more. In multiple colors. I think I have it now. We shall see. I have tried regular needles (don't want to deal with that join when the time comes), circular needles (too long), and arrived at five (not 4, tried that) double-ended needles (sometimes annoying, but they get it done).
And here is my "progress" along with my failed attempts, and my needle collection:

Enough background, what is this major accomplishment? Well, I set aside the human sized Hat a few days ago, and made this:

I used a free pattern for an American Girl hat, and changed it a little. Now, it ain't perfect, but it's done! Also, I didn't go buy yarn for it! When I tie quilts, I don't use all that much yarn, so I always have nearly a whole ball left over. Now, this yarn isn't good for tying, but for knitting, it does ok!

So there you have it, I have knitted something, world!

Click here to see more!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The cure to insomnia

I couldn't get back to sleep the other night, so I got up and started on my way-passed-critical-mass Mending Pile. When I finished, I slept really well! Here is the new Repaired Pile:

We've got some patches, some reattached buttons, new waistband elastic, and new hems - all sorts of little challenges.

Part of my motivation may have been to bore myself to sleep, but another is that the mending pile lived on the bed. The guest bed that my sister will be sleeping on in a few weeks. Take a look:

Yeah, I've got some more work to do...

Click here to see more!